
Client  Focused,  Data  Driven

PlanifyTM, IHP’s proprietary software suite for FFE and related processes, is tailored to enhance project efficiency. Hosted on secure platforms, it provides clients with real-time, secure data access. Boasting over 50 features and toolsets, PlanifyTM empowers IHP and clients to surpass project expectations while ensuring end-to-end data integrity, security, and compliance throughout project phases. Its web-based technology enables access from any device, anywhere, anytime. PlanifyTM excels in managing vast inventories, handling thousands of individual items within multimillion-dollar budgets. 

Continuously updated, it incorporates the latest items and specifications in real time. Spanning data repositories worldwide, our system includes unparalleled search and filtering options. Clients gain a wealth of additional information, enhancing their knowledge and confidence in decision-making, ultimately leading to favourable outcomes.


Feature Highlights

  • Integrates populated room templates for project standardization
  • Comprehensive, customizable reporting capabilities
  • Enables credentialed access for approved team members outside IHP
  • Capable of managing millions of project-related data fields
  • Tracks changes to select data fields and monitors alterations to FF&E items
  • Specialized in FF&E and ICAT
  • Utilizes distinctive Plan IDs for item identification
  • Organizes items by location, including FOS Program Number, Department, Room Names, Floors, etc.
  • Links Plan IDs to technical datasheets and specifications
  • Each Plan ID includes 100+ data fields


Sample of Extensive Report Types Available

Room by Room Report
Overview of FF&E content for each room, specifying quantities.
Project FF&E Cost Estimates
Summary of costs for In Contract and Not In Contract, distinguishing between Minor and Major Depreciable Equipment.
Cutsheet Sample
Customizable cutsheet with document repository
Bill of Quantities
Plan IDs with detailed descriptions, manufacturers, and models listed line by line, showcasing overall quantities, costs, and the status of each FF&E Plan ID, categorized as either ``In Contract`` or ``Not In Contract.``
Utility Data Report (UDR)
Catalog of FF&E organized by Plan ID, providing utility and data details such as dimensions, power specifications, plumbing requirements, and more.
Distribution Report
Inventory of FF&E categorized by Plan ID, encompassing descriptions, manufacturers, models, project quantities, costs, and status differentiation between ``In Contract`` and ``Not In Contract.``
Explore how Planify and our team can assist you today !